Digital Love
Digital Love is an installation in which two digital entities fall in love and ponder the meaning of their newfound emotions via wikipedia. The installation was shown at the California Institute of the Arts in Valencia California in the Spring of 2017 at the Digital Arts Expo.
Artefact Behaviour
As can be heard from the audio segment above, the installation is realised through use of
text-to-speech and web-crawling technology. For the installation exhibited at the Digital Arts Expo,
eight independent entities with identical programming were tasked with reading wikipedia articles aloud.
Each of the electronic entities were given a seed word "love" to begin their search. Each creature reads the
wikipedia article
concerning love and then grabs the last word in the article to start a new search on Wikipedia. The Wikipedia API
several options for the word, of which the creature chooses one option at random and proceeds to read the first
paragraph in the article. Once the article has been read aloud the artefact repeats the process infinetally by
choosing the
final word in the article and starting a new search.